Send a packet command to the Slave node to read the Holding Registers register.
node1.readHoldingRegisters(read_address, read_size)
: ModbusMasterNode Object.read_address
: The starting address of the Holding Registers register to be read.read_size
: The size of the Holding Registers register to be read.
Int: If it succeeds, send back MODBUS_SUCCESS and vice versa, send back EXCEPTION_CODE.
#include <Modbus86.h> ModbusMaster bus1; ModbusMasterNode node1; uint8_t result; uint32_t receiveData; void setup() { while(!Serial); Serial1.begin(115200); bus1.begin(MODBUS_RTU, Serial1); node1.attach(16, bus1); result = node1.readHoldingRegisters(5, 2); if (result != MODBUS_SUCCESS) { Serial.print("readHoldingRegisters => ErrorCode: "); Serial.println(result); } else { Serial.print("From Holding Register receiveData: "); receiveData = node1.getResponseBuffer(0) | (node1.getResponseBuffer(1) << 16); Serial.println(receiveData); } } void loop() {}
See Also
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