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Ethernet library

The CPU of the QEC-M series contains a built-in 10/100Mbps LAN interface, which can access via the Ethernet library. The Arduino Ethernet Shield isn’t needed. This library can serve as either a server accepting incoming connections or a client making outgoing ones. In 86Duino Coding, the library supports up to four concurrent connections (incoming or outgoing or a combination); and in later versions, up to 128 concurrent connections.

Ethernet class

The Ethernet class initializes the Ethernet library and network settings.

IPAddress class

The IPAddress class works with local and remote IP addressing.

Server class

The Server class creates servers that can send data to and receive data from connected clients (programs running on other computers or devices).

Client class

The client class creates clients that can connect to servers and send and receive data.

EthernetUDP class

The EthernetUDP class enables UDP messages to be sent and received.


The following are examples of the Ethernet library from the Arduino Tutorial that can work on the 86Duino boards (note that on 86Duino, you don’t need the Arduino Ethernet Shield shown in these examples):


We employ the SwsSock library of Software Systems to implement the Ethernet library of 86Duino. If interested in directly using SwsSock in your 86Duino sketches, you may refer to the Web page of SwsSock for related information.

Libraries Reference Home

The text of the 86Duino reference is a modification of the Arduino reference and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.

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