Overwrite and recalculate the feed rate of the unexecuted blocks in the buffer.
: for Machine object.ratio
: The ratio of feed rate override, the ratio should be greater than 0.
When the machine performs G-code movement, the feedrate is adjusted according to the Encoder dynamics.
#include "Motion86.h" #include "Encoder.h" #include "SD.h" // Generate machine objects, up to machine 0~2 three machines, each machine three axes. Machine machine(0); // Stepper motor enable pin. int EnablePin = 4; // This gcode file is stored in the SD card. char *filename = "auto.gcode"; File gfile; char buf[256]; int ptr; bool working; // Set the default feedrate ratio. volatile double FeedrateRatio = 1.0; bool enc_triggered = false; void encoder_callback(int flag); void setup() { while (!Serial); SD.begin(); // In this example, the hand crank has been installed with Enc3. Enc3.begin(MODE_AB_PHASE); Enc3.setRange(1); // Interrupt will be triggered every time Enc3.attachInterrupt(encoder_callback); pinMode(EnablePin, OUTPUT); // If necessary, the motion direction of the motion axis can be reversed. // In this example, the direction of x-axis and y-axis should be reversed. machine.config_ReverseDirection(AXIS_X); machine.config_ReverseDirection(AXIS_Y); // PPU (pulse per unit) is a virtual length unit, depending on different requirements. // In this example, the unit length of x-axis is set to 80 pulses, which corresponds to 1 mm in real application. machine.config_PPU(AXIS_X, 80.0); machine.config_PPU(AXIS_Y, 80.0); machine.config_PPU(AXIS_Z, 1600.0); // Set the software limit for the machine motion. machine.config_PosLimit(AXIS_X, 0, 300); machine.config_PosLimit(AXIS_Y, 0, 200); machine.config_PosLimit(AXIS_Z, 0, 300); // Set the pin used to set the limit switch for the home point. machine.config_HomePins(2, 7, 8); // Before controlling, the machine must be started. machine.machineOn(); // Enable the software limits. machine.enableSoftLimit(); // Set the feed rate back to the home point. machine.setHomeSpeed(1000, 1000, 200); // Open the gcode file in the SD card if (SD.exists(filename)) { gfile = SD.open(filename); working = true; } else { Serial.print("File does not exist: "); Serial.println(filename); while (1); } // Start the stepper motor. digitalWrite(EnablePin, LOW); // Return to the home point defined by the limit switch. machine.home(); home(); } void loop() { // Read and parse the gcode file. if (working && !machine.isCmdBufferFull()) { ptr = 0; while (gfile.available()) { buf[ptr] = gfile.read(); if (buf[ptr] == '\n') { buf[ptr + 1] = '\0'; machine.gcode(buf); break; } else { ptr ++; } } if (!gfile.available()) { Serial.println("GCODE FINISH"); gfile.close(); working = false; } } // Overwrite the feed rate when it is interrupted. if (enc_triggered) { if (FeedrateRatio > 2.0) FeedrateRatio = 2.0; if (FeedrateRatio < 0.1) FeedrateRatio = 0.1; machine.feedrateOverride(FeedrateRatio); enc_triggered = false; Serial.print("FeedrateRatio = "); Serial.println(machine.getFeedrateOverride()); } } void encoder_callback(int flag) { // The feedrate ratio should be greater than 0. if (flag == INTR_OVERFLOW && FeedrateRatio < 2.0) FeedrateRatio += 0.01; else if (flag == INTR_UNDERFLOW && FeedrateRatio > 0.0) FeedrateRatio -= 0.01; enc_triggered = true; }
See also
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The text of the 86Duino reference is a modification of the Arduino reference and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.