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[Ethercat Device]


Reads the entry description of the specified object addressed by index and subindex for such EtherCAT slave device.


int getEntryDescription(uint16_t od_index, uint8_t od_subindex, uint8_t * valueinfo, uint16_t * datatype, uint16_t * bitlength, uint16_t * objaccess, char * entryname, size_t entryname_size, uint32_t * abortcode = NULL, uint32_t timeout_us = 100000);

int getEntryDescription(uint16_t od_index, uint8_t od_subindex, uint8_t & valueinfo, uint16_t & datatype, uint16_t & bitlength, uint16_t & objaccess, char * entryname, size_t entryname_size, uint32_t * abortcode = NULL, uint32_t timeout_us = 100000);


  • [in] uint16_t od_index
    Index of the object.
  • [in] uint8_t od_subindex
    Subindex of the object.
  • [in] uint8_t valueinfo
    NOTE: The parameter is currently invalid in the current version.
    The value info includes which elements shall be returned:
    • Bit 0: reserved
    • Bit 1: reserved
    • Bit 2: reserved
    • Bit 3: unit type
    • Bit 4: default value
    • Bit 5: minimum value
    • Bit 6: maximum value
  • [out] uint16_t datatype
    The variable used to store the data type. Please refer to A.6 Data Type.
  • [out] uint16_t bitlength
    Bit length of the object.
  • [out] uint16_t objaccess
    The attribute of access.
    • Bit 0: read access in Pre-Operational state
    • Bit 1: read access in Safe-Operational state
    • Bit 2: read access in Operational state
    • Bit 3: write access in Pre-Operational state
    • Bit 4: write access in Safe-Operational state
    • Bit 5: write access in Operational state
    • Bit 6: object is mappable in a RxPDO
    • Bit 7: object is mappable in a TxPDO
    • Bit 8: object can be used for backup
    • Bit 9: object can be used for settings
    • Bit 10-15: reserved
  • [out] char entryname
    Name of the object entry. The buffer used to store the entry name.
  • [in] size_t entryname_size
    The size of the buffer for the entry name.
  • [out] uint32_t abortcode
    The pointer of the variable used to store the SDO Abort Code.
  • [in] uint32_t timeout_us
    Timeout in microseconds.

Return Value

Return an error code. If the returned value is zero, it indicates a successful execution of this function.


This function must be called after a successful execution of EthercatMaster::begin(). This function is blocking and cannot be called within the Cyclic Callback.


#include "Ethercat.h"

EthercatMaster master;
EthercatDevice_Generic slave;

void setup() {
  uint16_t DataType, BitLength, ObjectAccess;
  uint8_t ValueInfo = 0;
  char EntryName[64];


  slave.attach(0, master);

  slave.getEntryDescription(0x1C12, 0x01, ValueInfo, DataType, BitLength, ObjectAccess, EntryName, sizeof(EntryName));
  Serial.print("Data Type       : ");
  Serial.print(DataType, HEX);
  Serial.print("Bit Length      : ");
  Serial.print(BitLength, HEX);
  Serial.print("Object Access   : ");
  Serial.print(ObjectAccess, HEX);
  Serial.print("Entry Name      : ");

void loop() {
  // Do nothing here

Please see the EtherCAT Library User Manual for more QEC EtherCAT instructions and API usage.

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