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Get the PPU value of the machine in the specified axis.

The relationship of PPU (Pulse per Unit) is as follows.


86Duino sends a pulse to the stepper motor driver board, which sends a step to rotate the stepper motor.

  • micro_stepping
    The number of pulses received from the 86Duino to type a step on the stepper motor driver board.
  • steps_per_revolution
    The parameter on the stepper motor, the number of steps to be received from the stepper motor driver board to make one revolution.

The formula for pulses_per_revolution is steps_per_revolution * micro_stepping.

  • PPU: The number of pulses required to move the machine axis per unit distance. e.g. 80 pulses/mm.




  • machine: is the Machine object.
  • axis: is the motion axis of the PPU, it can be AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z.


double: Return the PPU value of the motion axis.

See also

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The text of the 86Duino reference is a modification of the Arduino reference and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Code samples in the reference are released into the public domain.

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