Pause multiple servos at the same time. After calling this function, the behavior of each servo is the same as the behavior of pause().
aiservoMultiPause(servo1, servo2)
aiservoMultiPause(servo1, servo2, ... , servo64)
servo1 ~ servo64
: Variable of AIServo type.
You can enter 1 to 64 parameters of AIServo type, specify the servo to be started, or enter no parameters; when no parameters are entered, it means all the servos in operation are to be suspended.
#include <AIServo86.h> AIServoPort(ROBOTIS, AX12) bus; AIServo servo0; AI Servo servo1; void setup() { bus.begin(Serial1, 1000000); servo0. attach(bus, 6); servo1. attach(bus, 10); servo0.setPosition(150); servo1.setPosition(160); aiservoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // start servo0, servo1 servos delay(500); } void loop() { servo0.setPosition(90, 2000); servo1.setPosition(200, 2000); aiservoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // make servo0, servo1 rotate to the new target position delay(1000); aiservoMultiPause(servo0, servo1); // pause all servos delay(3000); // pause for 3 seconds aiservoMultiResume(servo0, servo1); // All servos resume rotation while(isAIServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to go to target position servo0.setPosition(150, 2000); servo1.setPosition(160, 2000); aiservoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // make servo0, servo1 rotate to the new target position while(isAIServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to go to target position }
See also
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