Check the status of multiple servos at the same time.
isAIServoMultiMoving(servo1, servo2)
isAIServoMultiMoving(servo1, servo2, ... , servo64)
servo1 ~ servo64
: Variables of AIServo type.
You can enter 1 to 64 servo-type parameters, specify the servo to be activated, or enter no parameters; when no parameters are entered, it means checking the status of all servos.
If at least one servo is rotating, true is returned, and when all servos are paused, stopped, released, or have reached the target position, false is returned.
#include <AIServo86.h> AIServoPort(ROBOTIS, AX12) bus; AI Servo servo1; AIServo servo2; void setup() { bus.begin(Serial3, 1000000); servo1.attach(bus, 9); servo2.attach(bus, 10); servo1. setPosition(150); servo2.setPosition(150); aiservoMultiRun(servo1, servo2); // turn servo1, servo2 to 150 degrees delay(1000); } void loop() { servo1.setPosition(280, 2000); servo2.setPosition(80, 2000); aiservoMultiRun(servo1, servo2); // Make servo1 and servo2 rotate to the new target angle at the same time while(isAIServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to move to target position servo1.setPosition(170, 2000); servo2.setPosition(160, 2000); aiservoMultiRun(); // Make servo1 and servo2 rotate to the new target angle at the same time while(isAIServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to move to target position }
See also
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