Set the rotation speed of the servo when write() . run() are called next time.
Please note that if you set the rotation time when you call setPosition(), the rotation speed set by this function will not have any effect.
: The variable of Servo type.value
: The speed of the servo, integer and floating point type values can be entered. When inputting an integer, the unit of rotation speed is us/s, for example, input 1000, which means 1000us of rotation per second. When a floating point number is entered, the unit of rotation speed is angle/s. For example, if 1.5 is entered, it means 1.5 degrees per second. If the input value is 0 or 0.0, it means the servo will rotate at the fastest speed.
#include <Servo86.h> Servo myservo; void setup() { myservo.attach(9); myservo.write(1500); // Rotate the servo to 1500us angle myservo.setVelocity(1000); // set velocity 1000us/s myservo.write(900); // start the servo and turn to the 900us angle with a speed of 1000us/s } void loop() {}
See also
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