


Save the user-defined robot offset. The range of each Servo offset is from -256 to 256, and the unit is us.

The first element of the array represents the Servo offset of the first channel, the second element represents the Servo offset of the second channel, and so on.

You can call attach() to specify the 86Duino pins to which offsets[] corresponds (see example below).




  • servooffsetinno: Variable of ServoOffsetInno type.
  • channel: range: 0 ~ 44, the value represents the Servo of the nth channel.

If you use load() to read the Innovati Offset file, the number of channels will be fixed to 32, and the Offset values of channels 0 to 31 are stored in offsets[0], offsets[1] … offsets[31], after group 31 The content of offsets[] is all 0.




#include <Servo86.h>
Servo myservo0;
Servo myservo1;
Servo myservo2;
ServoOffsetInno myoffset;
void setup()
   myservo0.attach(9); myservo1.attach(11); myservo2.attach(5);
   myoffset.offsets[0] = -200; // set Offset content
   myoffset.offsets[1] = 50;
   myoffset.offsets[2] = -100;
   // assign the Offset value to the servo (offsets[0] assigns the value to myservo0,
   // The value of offsets[1] is assigned to myservo1, and the value of offsets[2] is assigned to myservo2)
   myoffset.setOffsets(myservo0, myservo1, myservo2);
void loop() {}

See also

Libraries Reference Home

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