Resume the motion of several suspended servos at the same time, so that the servos can continue to rotate to the target position. (This function acts like calling resume() for each specified servo.)
servoMultiResume(servo1, servo2)
servoMultiResume(servo1, servo2, ... , servo45)
servo1 ~ servo45
: Variable of Servo type.
You can enter 1 to 45 servo type parameters to specify the servos to be restored together. You can also enter no parameters, and when no parameters are entered, it means to restore the motion of all the suspended servos.
#include <Servo86.h> Servo servo0; Servo servo1; void setup() { servo0.attach(6); servo1.attach(10); servo0.setPosition(1500); servo1.setPosition(1600); servoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // turn servo0 and servo1 to the initial position together } void loop() { servo0.setPosition(900, 2000); servo1.setPosition(2000, 2000); servoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // make servo0, servo1 rotate to the new target position delay(1000); servoMultiPause(servo0, servo1); // Pause all servos delay(3000); // pause for 3 seconds servoMultiResume(servo0, servo1); // all servos resume rotation while(isServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to go to the target position servo0.setPosition(1500, 2000); servo1.setPosition(1600, 2000); servoMultiRun(servo0, servo1); // make servo0, servo1 rotate to the new target position while(isServoMultiMoving() == true); // wait for all servos to go to the target position }
See also
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